List of What do Senegal Parrots Eat

Are you curious what do Senegal Parrots eat?

Information in General

Knowledge of bird nutrition is constantly evolving, due to both increasing awareness of the importance of nutrition and increased research into the various needs of birds. Birds, like all other creatures, require a balanced diet of carbs, proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water. Different bird species frequently require different meals. 

Should I be concerned about the food my Senegal parrot consumes?

Proper diet is frequently overlooked, but it is crucial for pet birds. Consult your physician about your parrot’s nutritional requirements. Too often, owners believe they are providing their parrot a healthy diet when, in fact, they are not.

Many health problems in birds are caused by poor nutrition. The health of birds is determined by how well they are fed, hence it is critical that bird owners are educated on what to feed their birds. To stay current on their birds’ dietary needs, bird owners should maintain communication with their avian doctors.

What do Senegal parrots consume in the wild?

Senegal parrots consume a wide range of seeds, grains, fruits, and leaf buds. They especially enjoy figs and the seeds of some native trees. They also enjoy raiding farmers’ crops, notably millet, maize, and harvested peanuts left to dry.

What about human food?

In general, any wholesome, nutritious food that you and your family consume can be consumed by your bird, albeit in very little quantities. Adhere to the general criteria outlined above. Some birds will occasionally eat a very small amount of lean cooked meat, fish, or egg.

Because birds are lactose intolerant, dairy products should be ingested in moderation. Junk food, chocolate, salty foods (chips, pretzels, popcorn), caffeine-containing items, and alcoholic beverages may be hazardous to birds and should be avoided.

Does my bird require additional vitamins, minerals, or amino acids?

Your veterinarian can assist you in determining your bird’s diet and specific demands. In general, birds who eat pellets as the foundation of their diets do not require supplements.

Specific vitamins or minerals may be more vital at different stages of a bird’s life (for example, egg laying needs calcium supplementation). If your parrot is lacking in calcium, calcium supplements are available.

what do Senegal parrots eat

What do Senegal Parrots Eat?

Senegal parrots, like other birds, require a varied diet to keep healthy. 


Wild Senegal parrots consume a wide range of seed kinds as the seasons change. Commercially available seed and nut mixtures may include two to five different types of seeds.

However, the seeds are heavy in fat and low in nutrients, and are not the same as those eaten by wild birds. Many times, these seed and nut mixtures are fed as the sole source of food, resulting in poor health and maybe a shorter lifetime.

When presented with a variety of seeds, Senegal parrots tend to consume only one or two of their favorite types of seeds and nuts. Peanuts and sunflower seeds are frequently preferred, however they are particularly high in fat and lacking in calcium, vitamin A, and other minerals. This frequently results in malnutrition.

Seeds are highly palatable and preferred by birds, but they are quite nutritionally deficient.

Seeds should only constitute a minor component of a balanced diet, never the full diet. Furthermore, because nuts have a high fat content, they might lead to elevated blood cholesterol and cholesterol buildup in arteries (known as atherosclerosis), which can predispose birds to strokes and heart attacks. Your bird will begin to consume other things if you gradually remove seeds in favor of more nutritionally balanced stuff.

Diets for Pellets

To address the nutritional demands of all birds, several types of commercially manufactured pellet meals in varying colors, forms, and sizes have been developed. Pellets are the best diet for the majority of birds. Seed-eating birds should be gradually weaned from seeds and transitioned to a pelleted diet.

Pellets should ideally make up at least 70% of the bird’s diet. Mature parrots raised on seed diets may find it especially challenging to transition to a pelleted diet. Hand-reared babies are usually the easiest to transition to a pelleted diet.

Vegetables and fruits 

Fruits, vegetables, and greens should make up about 20% of the daily diet. Pale vegetables with a high water content (such as iceberg or head lettuce and celery) have relatively little nutritious value and should be avoided. Avocado is possibly hazardous to birds and should never be fed to them.

Before feeding, fruits and vegetables must be carefully washed to remove chemicals. They should be chopped into extremely little pieces, depending on the size of your bird. It is not essential to remove the skin. Fruits and vegetables should be served separately.

If your bird appears to acquire a preference for one meal, limit the amount of that food or temporarily cease feeding it to encourage the bird to consume other items.


At all times, fresh, clean water must be provided. You may want to use bottled water depending on the quality of your tap water. Every day, food and water dishes must be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water.

How can I transition my bird to a pelleted diet?

It is not often straightforward to transition seed-eating birds to a prepared diet. Birds may not recognize pellets as food at first. Pellets can be given to birds in a separate bowl from other foods, particularly first thing in the morning, when they are most hungry.

If they don’t eat them straight away, birds can be gradually weaned off seeds over a few weeks while pellets are always accessible in a separate dish.

Pellets and seed should not be mingled because birds will simply pick out the seeds they prefer. To entice a bird to try pelleted food, smash it into a powder and sprinkle it on moist table food.

Pellets can be crushed less finely and mixed with decreasing amounts of table food gradually until no table food is required to get the bird to consume pellets. A bird’s diet can be changed in days, weeks, or months.

To ensure that birds are not losing a lot of weight when transitioning to a pelleted diet, they should be weighed at least once a week. Converting a parrot to a pelleted food can be a traumatic experience for both you and your bird. Consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about the transition or your bird’s health.

Will my bird’s requirements change as it grows older?

Birds that are very young, stressed, injured, laying eggs, or raising young may have specific needs.

For birds with specialized dietary needs, specially prepared pellet feeds are available. In these cases, consult with your veterinarian.

Is my bird going to need gravel or grit?

It was formerly thought that grit was required for the mechanical breakdown of meals in the gizzard to aid indigestion. This is especially true for birds that eat seeds whole, shell and all.

Many birds, notably Senegal parrots, however, remove the shell before eating the seed kernel. Birds that eat in this manner do not require grit in their diet. In fact, if grit is supplied and over-eaten, some birds will develop health concerns.

What tips should I keep in mind when feeding my Senegal parrot?

  • Always keep track of how much food each bird consumes each day, especially if they are housed together.
  • Every day, provide fresh water.
  • Every day, provide fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Every day, clean all food and water dishes.
  • If a bird refuses food one day, it can take it the next. Continue to try!

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