What Chickens Lay Blue Eggs?
I remember when I started raising backyard chickens. The only thing I was concerned about was having nice chickens that loved me and laid a lot of eggs. Haha! I put zero thought into my egg basket. It took me all of a month to realize what I was going to be missing out on!
As a dedicated chicken keeper, I couldn’t resist expanding my flock to include a variety of stunning colors. If you’re not familiar with “chicken math,” I highly recommend looking it up—or just check out the picture below; it explains it perfectly!
Why Blue Eggs Are a Must-Have in Your Egg Basket
While white and brown eggs are the most common and traditional, blue eggs add a vibrant splash of color to your egg basket. But you might be wondering, which chickens lay these stunning blue eggs? As a chicken keeper, I’ve had the pleasure of raising several breeds that produce blue eggs, and I absolutely love the variety they bring to my flock.
The blue egg color, like the color of brown and white eggs, is determined by genetics. Once a chicken lays its first egg, that will be the consistent color of its eggs throughout its life. It’s always exciting to see what color each breed will produce, especially when you have a mix of colored egg layers! So, without further ado here’s the chicken breeds that lay blue eggs…
Araucana: The Famous Blue Egg Layer
The Araucana is perhaps the most well-known breed for laying blue eggs. Originating from Chile, these chickens are recognized for their unique tufted ears and pea combs, giving them a distinctive look. The Araucana is not just about looks, though; they have a sweet, friendly temperament and are excellent foragers, making them a great choice for free-range setups. The blue eggs they produce can vary in shade, from pale sky blue to a deep, rich blue. Additionally, Araucanas are great at foraging and adaptable to various weather climates.
Ameraucana: The All-American Blue Egg Layer
The Ameraucana is a breed developed in the United States, derived from the Araucana lineage. These birds are easily recognized by their distinctive beards and muffs, which give them a charmingly unique appearance. Ameraucanas are known for their calm and gentle disposition, making them a popular choice for backyard chicken keepers. The blue eggs they lay can range from light blue to greenish-blue, adding a lovely variety to your egg basket. And they’re hardy birds, making them a popular choice for backyard flocks.
Easter Egger: A Colorful Surprise in Every Egg
Easter Eggers are not a specific breed but rather a mixed breed that carries the blue egg gene. They can come in various colors and patterns, making them visually appealing. Easter Eggers usually lay pastel-colored eggs, including shades of blue, green and even pink. It’s such a fun surprise when they lay their first egg! They are friendly, hardy and great for families. Some of my favorite chickens have been Easter Eggers! They have so much personality.
While not technically blue egg layers, I feel like I should mention Olive Eggers. They are another hybrid breed that results from crossing blue egg layers (like the Ameraucana) with brown egg layers (such as the Marans). The eggs they produce are typically olive green, but due to the blue gene, they can also range from light brown to blue-tinged shades. My Olive Egger’s eggs are even speckled which really make them a show stopper! Olive Egger’s are usually friendly, making them a great addition to any flock.
Cream Legbar: The Blue Egg Layer with Personality
The Cream Legbar originates from the UK and is known for its unique appearance, with a crest of feathers on its head. This breed is not only fun to look at but also highly productive, laying medium-sized blue eggs. Cream Legbars are friendly and inquisitive, often enjoying human snuggles, making them a favorite among backyard chicken keepers. My Cream Legbar didn’t love new chicks coming into the flock, so she was a bit of a jerk. However, after some time, she adjusted well. I think as a general rule, they do well in large flocks. Mine was likely just stubborn. Haha!
Prairie Bluebell: The High-Production Blue Egg Layer
The Prairie Bluebell breed was created by crossing White Leghorns with Araucanas. This means that they lay large quantities of bright blue eggs. Leghorns are known for their incredible laying abilities and the Araucana brings the blue gene. I have two of these chickens and they are my favorite blue eggs! The Prairie Bluebell themselves are athletic and excellent foragers. They aren’t super cuddly, but they’re not mean either. I would have no problem adding more to my flock!
If you’re considering adding some variety to your egg basket, look no further than these beautiful blue egg layers. Honestly, they are all very docile breeds with excellent laying capabilities. And, because I get asked this question often…yes, the eggs taste like normal eggs!