The Polish Chicken – Chickens and Potatoes
Key facts to know:
- The Polish chickens are characterized by their volumous crest on top of their head.
- The breeds origins are uncertain, but there are several speculations on where they came from.
- They have a docile nature, but are kinda wackos because they can’t see everything due to their crest.
- They lay small sized eggs, and lay between 200-250 a year in my experience.
- Generally speaking they are towards the bottom of the pecking order.
The Heritage of the Polish Chicken
The Polish chicken has a very elusive heritage. During my research on this breed I have found that almost everyone has a different anecdote on how they came to be. According to the ASP the Polish chicken was first documented in the 16th century. They are of the continental variety of chicken. There are some stories that said Polish royalty brought different the Polish chicken over on a visit to France, where it became a beloved breed. Some say the breed originated in Holland, or that it had Spanish or Italian beginnings. Overall, it doesn’t really matter where these cuties came from, they’re pretty awesome either way!