Shrimp Tank Set Up

Shrimp Tank Set Up

AquariumShrimps guide: New to Shrimp (Tank Set Up)

When setting up a shrimp tank there are several things to consider. What you are going to be housing. What water parameters they require and whether you will be housing more than one species together.

To start you will need to decide what size tank you are going to need. Rule of thumb is the bigger tanks will keep water parameters more stable, although nano tanks are fine if well planted with adequate filtration.

The next step is choosing a substrate. You can either choose an active substrate which will buffer your parameters or an inert substrate which will have no effect on parameters. An inert substrate is fine for neos (Cherry Shrimp). GlasGarten Shrimp Soil is a cost effective active substrate and will create conditions suitable for cardinia (Crystal/Tiger Shrimp).

You will need to decide whether you think your tap water will be suitable for the shrimp you have chosen. Cherry shrimp are fairly robust and will live in a wide range of parameters. Of note, if tap water will wear out the buffering capabilities of active substrate quicker so if you live in an area with hard water, I would always personally go with pure Ro water reminerised with Salty Shrimp to achieve optimal levels.

A basic heater will suffice. Make sure you know what temperature the shrimp you are acquiring prefer as this can affect life span and breeding rates.

A reliable filter is a must in a shrimp tank due to shrimp being sensitive to anything above minimal levels of ammonia, nitrate and nitrite. The most favoured filter is the sponge filter as this oxygenates the water as well as providing a large surface area for shrimp to feed on. Internal filters and hob filters can be used, however the intake must be covered otherwise shrimp will likely be sucked in. This can be done using a sponge, fine wire mesh or nylon tights.

Lighting in a shrimp tank does not need to be anything fancy. Lighting should be tailored towards the plants rather than the shrimp. Of course for picture taking purposes a brighter light will prove more effective.

A thermometer is also a necessity in any shrimp tank. During summer or winter months it is always a good idea to check the temperature of the tank. Extremes in temperature either way can be detrimental to shrimp.

Plants can provide great hiding places for shrimp and you will commonly see any berried females hide amount them until its time for the shrimps to hatch. Shrimp also enjoy eating algae of plants such as java fern. Mosses are always a good idea in a shrimp tank and seem to be one of the favorites amongst hobbyists.

You must make sure the tank has had time to mature before adding shrimp. Bio film, algae and bacteria will need to be present to successfully keep shrimp. Most hobbyists will wait a month before adding any shrimp to the tank. You can speed up the process by adding a couple of aquarium snails or dosing with ammonia daily. You can also add mature filter media to the tank to speed things up.

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