She threw up, and has been having diarrhea since I got her.

She threw up, and has been having diarrhea since I got her.

Hey guys. I’m so stressed out at this point. I have no idea, I’m worried it’s something I’m doing? I’ve changed her enclosure around multiple times due to worry and try to figure out the issue. I know that’s stressful on them, could that be the problem? Is it anything I could possibly be doing? I’m so confused, exhausted, and worried sick. I’ve only had her for three months. She threw up yesterday, and thankfully had already had a vet appointment so I was able to take her in yesterday. She got a blood draw, and an exam. Vet said she looks healthy besides the constant diarrhea, and the vomit. She said some things I didn’t like to hear, about more serious causes. Is there anything else it could be? At all? I’m so, so lost. She’s in a 4x2x2, uvb is a reptisun 10.0 HO, on top of the metal mesh, about 10 or so inches from her basking spot, not exactly sure though, would have to measure. Her basking temp ranges from about 99-104. Cool side stays about 71-75, sometimes reaching 80. She’s fed collards and mustard greens everyday, as a staple. Sometimes I’ll ad peppers or a veggie, but I don’t everyday, sometimes it’s just collard and mustard greens. She gets calcium sprinkled in salads, and in bugs. She eats Dubia’s on occasion, has eaten crickets but I try to stay away from those. And she has flukers dragon diet on top of salad as a topper. And sometimes recently, she’s had those solely after I tried to see if overhydration was the problem, and cut back on veggies for a few days. Still, diarrhea like she has had since getting her. Yesterday was the first time she threw up. I don’t believe she’s had these problems at her previous home, so I’m so worried I’m doing something wrong. She’s clear of parasites, besides a small amount of entamoeba, but I’ve opted to wait in treating that as I don’t want to stress her out more than she needs to be, and vet said that that was fine. What is going on? The throw up also looked completely undigested, and was pretty dry, literally looked like she never ate them, but it was clumped together with spit. It was mainly the pellets that she threw up, but there was a weird tubular shaped regurgitation of some greens, and some sort of food. She threw up about 8 hours or so after I fed her, so another reason it so odd to me, because it literally looked like it never went to her stomach, like she just spit it out. I can post a picture if needed. Literally, any help is appreciated. I’m wondering if I’m not capable or if I’m doing something wrong that’s causing this problem, or if I’m not able to treat it, because I don’t have the knowledge. She’s my first beardie, and I’m very new to this, I’m stressed to no end, and I’d never forgive myself if it is something I’m doing and I can’t treat it.


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