Ruby’s vet visit today. If you are new to beardies or plan to become a keeper please read this thread

Ruby’s vet visit today. If you are new to beardies or plan to become a keeper please read this thread

As any of you that know me or my beardies know, Ruby is very truely a recue. She is absolutely the most loving, warm and appreciative creature I have ever seen. She loves life and is nothing short of pure joy. Even the most timid of people can’t resist her.
She was surrendered to a local reptile shop that started rehabilitating her. The person that had her before me did not provide her with proper care, supplements, and most importantly/critically proper uvb. She was paralyzed in her rear legs. She couldn’t even stand to go potty and just had to sit in it when she did. She was just starting to regain use of her legs when she came to us. Unfortunately she had already developed mbd (metabolic bone disease, for the newbies) it cannot be cured. At best you can halt/slow the progression.
I have been acutely aware of her situation and needs from the day we brought her home, and I have been diligent to the extreme in her care. Despite my best efforts her mdb has continued to slowly progress. You see, Ruby’s appetite has never been solid. Sometimes she will eat well for weeks or a couple months. When she does I load her with calcium, and she never has anything less than the best lighting. She can get as close as 4 inches of her uvb or as far from it as she pleases. It has always been unobstructed. BUT, there are times when for weeks she is really difficult to get to eat. During these times it’s very hard to get calcium into her. As a result of this her mbd has slowly continued to progress.
She walks now but it is very disjointed and clumsy. She is as likely as not to flip herself over when she walks. If she runs it’s guaranteed she will flip over. Luckily she can right herself. We took her in to the vet today for a wellness check and for an x-ray.
Thankfully the mbd has not affected her legs, hands, and wrist.
But take a look at her spine and her little ribs. THIS IS WHAT NO, POOR, OR INADEQUATE UVB DOES! It by no means is if, it is very much WHEN. If you do not provide proper and quality uvb, THIS IS WHAT YOU WILL DO TO YOUR BEARDIE! The fault and the blame will be all on you. It’s as easy to prevent as taking the time to get your lighting on par. If you think I’m being aggressive, mean, rude, or trying to scare you, your exactly right. Beardies are some of the most precious, loving, and rewarding pets we can keep. They deserve to be kept by educated, devoted, and loving keepers. The things we humans do to them on a regular basis out of laziness or unwillingness to put the research in BEFORE we bring them home is absolutely inexcusable. So if I can prevent even just one beardie from suffering Ruby’s fate, hook or crook so be it. There is extensive knowledge and resources on this forum make use of them. If you don’t know ask. Never guess, if your guessing, chances are you will be wrong, and your beardie is the one that will suffer for it. The only stupid question is the one not asked.
So now that I have that out of my system (I was so infuriated seeing her x-ray I couldn’t just let it go) please take a minute and really looks at her x-ray. You can prevent this from happening to your beardie, the knowledge on this forum gives you the power and ability to get it right the first time.


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