Older hen not going in the coop at night since change in the flock | BackYard Chickens
At this point, they all go roughly ok along, but of course still putting in place the pecking order with the new girls. Jane is currently number 2 in the order. Nothing harsh though, regular charging or little peck once in a while, and i’ve seen them eat or stand next to each others without issue, and Jane acts normal otherwise. The new girls are tolerated but are not part of the flock yet I’d say, they tend to stick together doing their own stuff, not always following the older ones, but it’s just been about 2 weeks together.
I have to grab Jane to put her inside for 3 nights in a row. The 2 other older girls go in as normal at the same time than the new ones. Once inside, no issue, she goes roost as normal. The new girls have to be put on the roost too as they try to sleep in the next box (for security i assume as they roost in the pen at all kinds of height without problem, but the older girls probably still scare them a bit still, due to the pecking order being installed for them)