Cocci and sour crop treatment? | BackYard Chickens

Cocci and sour crop treatment? | BackYard Chickens

Hi, I’m new to this so I hope I posted in the correct area.
I have a 3 month old Blue Plymouth Rock named Opal. She recently started acting lethargic and had slightly bloody poop. I did a boat load of research and came to the conclusion she has coccidiosis. We got Corid and are currently treating with that. Her poops are looking better but she is now having slow/sour crop. I also did a lot of research on this. But nothing seems to answer one question; can I give her antifungal cream(like clotrimazole or miconazole) while treating with amprolium? I’ve read you can’t mix vitamins and ACV with amprolium, but what can I do to help her fight the yeast?

I’m massaging her several times a day. Her crop is enlarged and watery, but no noticable signs of obstruction. It goes down slightly with massaging. She drinks and eats, although her eating is very minor. She poops plenty which I hope is good. Some are watery, some much more normal. She doesn’t seem to be a fan of yogurt or scrambled eggs. But she likes her food moistened to a mash. I also mixed a bit of probiotic chicken grit into her mash and she seemed to like that. (I read that it could help with sour crop apparently? Hopefully so)

Any extra help would be appreciated as she is still pretty listless.

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