An expert’s guide to taking care of street cats

An expert’s guide to taking care of street cats

Street cats are also called feral cats as they are free-roaming and they don’t have a human parent. If adopting a cat or adopting a kitten is not possible, one can always extend a helping hand out for community cats. This not only helps build a safe and nurturing space for the street cats.

With the help of Certified Pet Behaviorist, Aaron D’Silva, we aim to make sure your community cat care routine covers all the essential know-how of cat parenting a streetie.

Street cats, although very independent, are still very sensitive. Just like taking care of a cat at home, taking care of a street cat also requires understanding certain methods and nuances that can be crucial to their health and welfare. Watch Aaron break down the basics of cat care for street cats for you to actively help the community cats in your area.

Key Takeaways:

Taking care of street cats

  1. Always feed your local street cats on an elevated spot as they enjoy and feel safer at high places. HUFT Tip: Looking to make sure your local street cats are well fed? Get all your cat food requirements met here!
  2. As a responsible caretaker, make sure to sterilize and vaccinate your street cats.
  3. Do not approach street cats directly or take them by surprise. Since they are not used to human interaction, they can get easily scared or can react with hostility. 

HUFT Tip: Is your cat showing signs of aggression? Click here to watch Aaron break down aggressive cat behaviour and how to calm an aggressive cat.

Helping a wounded street cat

  1. It’s important to understand the type of wound, so take a photo of the wound and contact a vet for advice when you come across an injured street cat
  2. The injury is grave if the cat is not moving at all. Use a towel or blanket to cover the face of the cat and move it into a box to make sure it doesn’t attack you as street cats are not used to human touch or interaction. 

Taking care of Neonatal kittens

  1. Kittens with closed eyes are called neonatal kittens as they are under the age of 3 weeks. 
  2. These kittens are still under the care of their mother at that age, so it’s best to just take a photo of them without touching or approaching them in any way.
  3. If the kittens’ mother is not around, observe them for 24 hours for dehydration. A dehydrated neonatal kitten will have a very dry coat and will be screaming loudly. That’s when you call the nearest shelter or vet for help. 

Feeding a street cat

  1. Cats are carnivores, so the ideal diet for them is meat & taurine. Don’t feed Dairy products or homemade food to your street cats as it could be dangerous for them. 
  2. Cats have very sensitive stomachs, so it’s best to stick to one type of food for their regular meal for your street cats, which can be a commercial meal or home-cooked chicken. 

If you want to learn more in detail as to how you can be a better cat parent to your local street cats, click on the video above and watch Aaron explains how to approach a nursing mother cat and how to feed a mother cat and her kittens. We hope this information will help you take better care of your local street cats, so don’t miss it.

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